All the way to reaching your goal
We specialise in online coaching. Working with athletes from beginners to elite level - in all aspects of triathlon, swimming, cycling, running, adventure, windsurfing.
Fully personalised coaching plan includes:
Daily - contact & feedback from Fitsmile Coaches WhatsApp/Training Peaks Platform
Weekly - fresh, personal and progressive training plan via TrainingPeaks with all sessions explained
Annually - goal setting with A, B and C race planing and consultation
Annual training plan design and review
Unlimited program adjustability if needed
Functional body assessment / injury prevention
Personal Strength and conditioning programme together with Fitsmile Coaching videos
Nutritional review and advice in Combo package*
Equipment review and advice
Welcome Gift for all new members.

Read more about T&C:
An initial consultation in person or by phone, via Zoom call where we will talk about your past, present, and future goals.
The Online Fitsmile Coaching plan will be specific to the athlete's needs.
The athlete will complete a questionnaire and sign up for a TrainingPeaks account (Free).
Cost: €170, 250€ per month (paid on the same day every month) choose your plan below. Start now!
Minimum 3-month contract.